Jason Hartman talks with America’s “Money Answers” man about what Trump’s new administration might bring, how his mix of Keynesian and supply-side economics could lead to inflation and higher real estate prices. Jordan Goodman has written 13 books on such topics as Wall Street lies, retirement planning, financial dictionaries and more.

Key Takeaways:

[3:04] How tax rates will change under Trump

[4:43] How a reduction in taxes will likely lead to bigger budget deficits and higher interest rates

[7:52] What is the multiplier effect?

[8:37] How regulations have discouraged qualified people from acquiring loans.

[9:23] Is the US primed for an economic downturn?

[13:46] Why interest rates will likely rise significantly in the next four years.

[18:33] What Jordan wants above all else

[20:05] The economy will have a mix of supply-side and Keynesian attributes.

[22:45] The infrastructure projects Trump wants to invest in will cause the U.S. to run out of workers

[27:03] Trump doesn’t want to install 35% tariffs, his goal is an increase in exports.

[29:53] Jordan’s commercial real estate lending fund.

[31:50] Does Thou shalt maintain control still apply in today’s world?

