Real estate agents have many mediums available today for marketing and growing their business, but how many are actually taking advantage of Craigslist? And how do they make Craigslist produce positive results? Jason Hartman interviews real estate broker, Vince Villegas, about his success secrets to using Craigslist. Vince is one of the highest paid (if not the highest paid) Direct Response Real Estate Marketers in the world. For more details, listen at: At a point in his life when his business went south, he turned to Craigslist to earn fast money in the real estate business, which resulted in him earning over $236,000 in just 18 months from his direct response Craigslist ads. Vince shares his experience, the trials and errors, and the best practices for using Craigslist to generate real estate business. One important point he makes is that in order for an agent to truly be successful on Craigslist, the ads must remain on the first page. He explains some of the steps to maintain first-page status, a system that is simple and organized. Vince defines a “lead magnet” website and how it compares to what he refers to as a “business card” website for lead generation, and the importance of understanding internet marketing for creating the best sites to draw the best leads. He also stresses the importance of knowing and tracking the numbers and understanding response rates and conversion rates.

Vince Villegas is an Associate Broker with Keller Williams Realty; he has been licensed since 2002.  After 6 straight years of doing business “the old-fashioned way” and killing himself working 90+ hours a week, Villegas finally hit the wall in 2008 and went from selling 56 homes in 2007 to just 8 homes by October 2008. It was than he faced the scariest decision in his life — either get out of the business or find a better way.   He of course chose to find a better way. It was then he began his journey to understand the principles of long-term business success.  In 2010, after uncovering the secrets of a successful business, Villegas finished #49 in Sales for Coldwell Banker North America and climbed to #27 in Sales by May 2011 (Villegas joined Keller Williams in August 2011) all while working only an average of 5 hours per week.   Agents across North America have been taking note of his success and began seeking his knowledge — wanting to know not only his famous system to building a consistently profitable business using Craigslist, Backpage and Kajiji, but also how to design the exact business they want for themselves from the ground up. Today he coaches agents all over the world on how to create million-dollar real estate businesses for themselves, while enjoying their perfect life. He has been featured as an expert, and has ranked among the most read experts, on sites like, and