Duane explains humanity’s separation from nature and from one another, stating we have succeeded so well that we’ve run into our limits and undermined our future success. His stories suggest ways for the human race to pull together, to create sustainability, stressing that system breakdown is actually good news in order to move into a new relationship with one another and the Earth. Please visit www.HolisticSurvival.com for more on Duane and Great Transition Stories.

DUANE ELGIN is an internationally recognized speaker, author, and media activist. His books include: The Living Universe, Promise Ahead, Voluntary Simplicity, and Awakening Earth. With Joseph Campbell and other scholars, he co-authored Changing Images of Man. He has worked as a senior staff member of the Presidential Commission on the American Future (looking ahead from 1970 to 2000) and as a senior social scientist with the think-tank SRI International where he coauthored numerous studies of the long-range future. In 2006, Duane received the international Goi Peace Award in recognition of his contribution to a global “vision, consciousness, and lifestyle” that fosters a “more sustainable and spiritual culture.” Duane received an MBA from the Wharton Business School, and an MA in economic-history from the University of Pennsylvania. Duane’s personal website is: www.DuaneElgin.com His professional site is: www.GreatTransitionStories.org.