Are we living longer or just not dying as soon?

Description: Deciphering the human genome has made a huge impact to increasing our health and lifespans. Beginning in the 1950’s longevity has entered the engineering phase which brings us closer to regenerative medicine, growing organs and tissue in labs and even spray on skin. With new technologies evolving more rapidly now than in any time in the past we may soon see ourselves extending our current lifespan by 5 or even 10 years. Some say it may strain the earth’s natural resources but others contend longer, healthier lives may boost innovation and with it the economy.

Key Takeaways:

[1:27] From 1850 – 2016 human life expectancy has doubled

[6:53] The paradigm shift since the 1950’s is health has become an engineering project

[8:05] The price has dropped to sequence a human genome

[11:51] 3D printing to make tissue and eventually organs

[13:10] Spray on skin has been created by the military

[17:29] Increasing healthspan to match lifespan

[20:26] Chronic diseases set in later than before

[24:02] How many people can the earth support?

[28:18] Nanotechnology can help us manage waste

[30:06] We become wealthier as a society

[31:45] Contact Sonia Arrison


Sonia Arrison

100 Plus – The Coming Age of Longevity


Singularity University

Foresight Institute



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